Your Favorite Animals Are Now Available as Statement Rings

2022-09-17 04:21:37 By : Ms. Annie Zhang

The beauty of nature can be hard to come by if you live in the city, so maybe it's time to tap into your wild side by way of a few new accessories. Jewelry designer Mary Lou has successfully captured the animal kingdom's cutest creatures as stunning (and size-adjustable!) statement rings that will instantly bring a smile to your face and quirky flair to your outfit.

Based in Bangkok, Mary Lou has cultivated a dedicated following for her unique 3-piece-rings, like the panda, sloth, squirrel, and crane. Each animal ring is divided into three sections—typically a head, front paws, and back paws— making them stackable and separable. When worn on one finger, the panda looks like it's fallen asleep while giving you a warm embrace. And if you wear the squirrel across three fingers, the little critter seems to be chasing an acorn across your hand.

Although made from durable brass, Mary Lou's statement rings are painted with enamel to imitate the effect of ceramic, and they're plated in 18K gold to add a little dazzle. Each animal ring is easily adjustable and capable of accommodating from a U.S. size 5 to 8 (European size 48 to 57). Whether you're shopping for yourself or for another, this statement jewelry is sure to please!

You can find all of these animal rings in My Modern Met Store.

Mary Lou: Website | Facebook | Instagram | My Modern Met Store

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